
Spanish Lace

A contemporary and stylish, four-row pearl stretch bracelet, featuring small multicoloured button shaped pearls, strung onto elastic string, giving flexibility. This pearl bracelet is designed for easy everyday wear and is a perfect gift for any occasion.

The pearls come from freshwater lakes in China and are commonly off-round, rice shaped to baroque. The slightly less symmetrical and smaller pearls, offers good value for the price and makes a perfect gift.

USD 39.00
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  • Our Ref No: 00106573

Multicoloured pearl four-row button stretch bracelet

Multicoloured pearl four-row button stretch bracelet

Jewelry images are enlarged to show detail and actual items may not always be exactly as pictured.

All diamonds, color gemstones and other gem materials have been purchased from legitimate sources not involved in conflict funding and in compliance with United Nations Resolutions.

Weights are average, sizes are approximate and are subject to change without notification.

Multicoloured cultured pearl stretch bracelet
SKU : Y50-00656
Length : 19cm
Multicoloured button cultured pearls
Variety : Fresh Water Pearl
Number of Fresh Water Pearls: 100pcs
Shape : Button
Width : 7mm
Surface marks : Clean
Uniformity : Good
Luster : Excellent

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